You’re a slob and I love you for it
I beith a slob
Oh ya just a big old messy slob
Get this
I take my shirt off take my pants off
Ball up my socks kick off my shoes send that shit off like a rocket to the other side of my mid-sized room
My sheets these sheets have not been washed or changed weekly covered in layers of cat hair, sweat, and dried stale cum produced both foreign and domestically with no tariff
Papers a frenzy
Bathroom in disorder
According to Dr. Funkenstein, I have a soul
Cuz there’s a ring around my bathtub
No bag in the trashcan that’s overflowing
Those towels hanging up are on the rack have already been used, and I did the weird butt floss thing
But between Me the writer you the reader nobody else is knowing
Now that I got you here lets light up a cigarette and ash on the bathroom rug
Put the butts in the toilet
Oh fuck something is floating in there cuz I never flush
Once the ashes have polluted the small space that is the lavatory
Let’s take a tour of the living room and sit on the couch
Oh, look you see that over yonder??
It’s understood if you don’t recognize that thing that’s rolling across the brown-stained carpet
Ever seen an old western movie with the tumbleweed rolling betwixt the antagonist and protagonist
That there
That you see is the same thing
But its garbage filth
Because I’m a slob and I love it