The Exercise of Freedom Part One: Quit That Job
Yup, just like that quit that job. You know that place that you go to spend 8/24 hours. The place that you go to exchange your most precious resource for money. That most precious resource is TIME. Willingly giving your time for monetary incentive is not inherently wrong, so don’t get that from what i’m saying at all, just don’t do it for a job any longer than you have to. Now you might say, “Alove you’re dumb for speaking such nonsense from behind a screen, you’re probably at work right now when you’re typing this.” To that I shall respond that I am profoundly dumb, I am not “speaking” this nonsense, its more like typing, and lastly, I quit my job this morning.
I loved my old job. I really did. Blessed was I to have the opportunity to work with such beautiful, special, and downright joyful autistic children. There were weekends where I could not wait to be there bright and early at 8:30 a.m. and run around the hallways with my kid with our shoes off and sliding down the hallways with our socks on. I’m not flexing my job as my absolute JOY and PASSION. Then something changed, and when it began to change it felt as if all the nerves in my body were no longer relaxed. I became tense and less attentive to the major and minor happenings of being responsible for a 7 year old angel as well as, all that came along with my job as an 1:1 ABA Pediatric Behavioral Therapist Technician (I like to use the longest description possible cause it seems cooler.).
“Hey Alove, it’s the random person that you think is asking you these questions while you’re typing this. What are you telling the audience all of this for? it just seems like you were lazy and trash at your job.” Well Cleetus I’ll tell you this. I was AMAZING at what I did, and this is not simply the opinion I have of my performance. So, if I loved what I did, and I was good at it, why did I quit?
I found a greater passion, and doing anything other than that passion at all times felt like a waste of my finite and fleeting youth.
To put it simply my intense passion for Poetry, Music, and Performance took over me like a demon to pure innocent souls. Just in the year 2020 A Love Supreme began performing open mic, playing bongos, wrote a book, recorded about 3 albums worth of Spoken Word punk-esque music, (I promise this isn’t Henry Rollins secretly), organized and played in my first concert as a solo act and a drummer of a band, joined my close friend in growing his Record label from the soil, and started playing drums. *Huff Huff Huff that was a lot*. As you can see, there was a heap of puddles I had dipped my calloused fingertips into in a relatively short amount of time. Funny thing is, that’s only half the half of it. So to put this in a way that simplifies what I was going through in a real life situation: I was dating my job happily for 2 years , but then I found what I was gonna marry, so I left. Literally just like that.
I was dating my job happily for 2 years , but then I found what I was gonna marry, so I left.
That felt really noyce to get those feelings out there. Anyways, I’m not trying to tell people,
“ Fuck ya dood go quit your job right now to stop working.” That’s not the message. here it is in all caps for ya: QUIT YOUR JOB, SO YOU CAN GET TO WORK. Work hard, really fucking hard. To quote one of my influences Charles Bukowski, “Find what you love, and let it kill you.”
Let whatever it is that you’re going to work for keep you up at night, let it heal you when you’re hurting, let it be the focus of your very existence. This is an investment on my part, but not an investment of money, the currency is grit & sweat, the investment is time.
Please for the love of all that is dipped in ranch dressing, have some plans on what to do for money. I can already hear Cleetus saying, “But alove how am I gonna make money if I quit my job huh Sir Types-a lot?” Firstly, Fuck Your Ass Cleetus. Clearly, something will have to be done about money in my situation and I have planned for that. I signed up for nearly every independent contractor app available (Instacart mainly) so I reckon there’s something still coming in. If you have a smartphone and a car then you can do the same. The idea is to make as much money in as little time as possible. That’s what i’m gonna do…
Quit that job … and work on the most important thing in this world… YOU!
~A Love Supreme
Link to my debut book, Aboot A Women shall be listed below: