Many reasons. I'm not saying my reasons are right but they are my reasons.
I've had some bad experiences many times over that influenced my reluctance to say I love you.
Of all the women I chose to say "I love you" to none of them are around. Saying I love you didn't make them stay, it didnt make them give me more affection , or anything like that. It just felt good for the moment, then after the moment passed "I love you just becomes a phrase of lost meaning.
Many women have said I love you, however, not many have showed love. I think everybody is taught to say I love you but aren't as well versed in showing love
Also I prefer to show people I love them. I will show you so obviously that I love you that it shouldn't come into question if I do or not. Maybe if I was a better writer i would be able to convey this better.
Saying I love you falls under a diminishing return. Each time you say it it becomes less and less significant. It's kind of like when people ask, "How are you today" and you answer (if you're american) "Im fine how are you". It's an automated response. The person asking doesnt really care how you are and when you answer you don't say , "Well I'm actually quite depressed and haven't slept in days"
It's not real, it's disingenuous." Nobody cares. Nobody loves. they just say they do.
Especially as a man saying I love you is for other people , but dispalying the love is more important but is often times thankless.
For a woman I love I can write an entire book of poetry about her , pay her bills, honor and exault her name, protect her, expand her mind , buy her a car, kiss her every which way support her interests, inspire her, pay for her school. However, if I dont SAY I love you then none of the other stuff matters.
But a woman can say she loves me but but never show me. I'm not saying all women are like this. I'm saying PEOPLE are like this.
I love you is not just a series of words that are meant to covey a feeling.
There's a price to pay for it.
I've expereinced where saying I love you is the beginning of the end . If a woman is setting out to get you to say ,"I love you" and she gets that ... then theres nothing else to strive for.. the chase and the challenge and intrigue is done. A similar thing is how a man can be interested in a woman and do all the things he has to do until he has sex with her. Then, all that fervor evaporates like a drop of water in the dessert. It's just how people are.
Words don't matter.
This is my opinion and my experience.