For greatness need not conform to the formalities of the mediocre and lesser aspirations of peers
The Plastics mock and sneer
However, the prize of being as revered and even feared as a Malcomb X or even as obscure and potent as Greg Sage is too grand
May I tell you
If left solely to the opinion of others they will say “How are you so fucking great?” “ You’re worthless, useless, weird, an asshole, you suck, you ain't shit, fuck you eat a dick.”
And you’ll believe it
word for word
replay it endlessly in your free time
You might start eating dick because of it
Those insignificant words.
Be immune to it
What year is this?
Something like that.
Beyond that
in the year 2xxx, those insignificant words will be lost to time
none of those Plastics will be alive
and when 3005 rolls around
no one of them will survive
every word you spoke, wrote, or incanted will be ever more profound
and world-renowned (and by the time the 3000s roll around interplanetary.).
So no I don’t have time to waste doing your human things
and go to your parties of nothing
I can’t subject myself to the niceties and subtleties of what the people of 2020 are thinking, feeling, and doing.
Immortality is more delicious
be ever so fastidious
Be Great
By Any Means necessary
Alove Supreme