Fuck You that's why
I remember when I was typing this here book and I had no idea what I was doing
however, what I did know was what I was doing it for.
The escape of it all.
See in the regular world I’m a Man, with the problems of a man dealing with women, and having too much month left at the end of the money.
Limited by what can be done or said in this dimension.
in a Prison of understanding….
or rather misunderstanding.
On these very sheets of paper, you are an Idea,
A Love Supreme
And the universe is being brushed by this
Pastel of creation
And it is all infinite and bound by nothing
encompassing all things
and unabated by limits yet to be created.
To get back to what was at hand.
This is to escape all that brought me sorrow.
In Modern times I don't go missing for days at a time and leave my phone in the house
Abandoned houses filled with nodding people
rail-thin, and with few teeth spread amongst all in attendance.
Smoke and dust and disappointment.
and shame and White powdered dreams
tabs and colored pills
and needles (that is how I met my Dreadful mistress) and little baggies
This was the space of Riveting and exciting life.
bloodied sheets
dried vomit on the carpet
and brown “stuff” smeared on the walls of a backroom...
This was paradise at one point. Nobody there who was there to watch me die or to care that I was on my way to be the dead
This is home for I was a hollow man
and a tortured soul did dwell. deep inside of a black desolate well of anger and angst and discontent
darker. and more silent.
All I’m trying to do is touch the universe and be one of the people of the Sun
be removed from everyone.
This had reached its end
and I had not ended
Now there’s the collection of words
with no punctuation. but the grammar is good for the most part.
Well Friends
Fuck this universe
I’ll make my own
Because……(Refer to the Title)
A Love Supreme