Fear Smear campaign
There was a man labeled as a vile, beast, a sexual heathen, a liar, and a glutton of fornication, and adultery
Yet we were not so easily convinced
Even the man’s wife has had not nary a word on the subject matter
The weight and hopes of an entire nation of disenfranchised coco seasoned peoples
A sterling example of the symbolism of the cross on the steeple
A clergyman
High esteem
The facilitator of the equality, not just for blacks, but poor whites, and natives, and Asians, all who were treated unequally and had sub-par rights
The black messiah with a dream
“Stick to civil rights you King Red Hitler”
The King would say,
“ I love you regardless”
Masses of My people are in the streets being hunted down and murdered, and blood spread down in the dirt,
Under investigation by an Agency of every major domestic group
To do nothing but to explicitly corrupt and disband these entities
However, the strange fruit that lady day sang that hangs on the trees
A surveillance state
The opening chapters of the modern age
To tell a poor shirtless man to cover up announces the idea that maybe the man’s home country was not given the security that should be granted to a citizen by his home country
The final struggle was of poverty
My King, the King, they killed you once you had a dream, and you were put to sleep
Somewhere you read there was freedom of assembly and equal rights for all men
All men
Even to this day, we are angry
Why does the all-knowing entity not intercede
Why was violence allowed to kill a leader that has never had a successor
That is the modern version in 2021 we still need
Did he have affairs with others outside of his wife
Yes, this is a well-documented truth
What great man does not have imperfection brooding in the booth
It does not detract from the greatness of our King
That’s why the Reverend has a nationally recognized nameday
While said agency in mind has history ever so repugnant
Still, nobody trusts god damned big brother, kill you if you get too close to the truth or unity ass government
fuck J.Edgar Hoover’s “legacy”
Let him be shamed sodomized and named in hell
Right next to His Fear Smear Campaign
~ A Love Supreme
Every word I meant
Posted above is a link to an article about the relationship with MLK and the FBI check it out and be ready when those files drop