Relationship Prose

A Love Supreme
3 min readJul 20, 2024
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Relationships should not be like this.

Fueled with disgust and forced tolerance

yet I find myself here only desiring to unfold my dirty brown-tinged MacBook with greasy keys when I’m in the throws of disgust. It is a grave experience in life to mainly be in relationships with persons you do not find attractive.

How painful it is to live an entire lifetime like that. Imagine being in self-inflicted doldrums so profound that you can’t even get your dick hard, even though a year you had a hard dick and nowhere to put it. Wouldn’t it just be easier to tell that woman my woman, to leave and find someone who would love her both physically and emotionally, to free myself be free and find someone else to superficially disdain?


Easier and highly likely to bring about some temporary happiness. However, misery is it’s own picturesque beauty, that has enveloped my life it such a profound way I choose to not do without. That is just my fancy way of saying I can’t get what I want and don’t feel like trying.

Two weeks ago, sometime in the afternoon, I wanted to get some food, some wings, lemon pepper, and watch Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was a good day, almost perfect. “Hey baby can you buy the food this time?” I said casually. “I can’t I dont’ have any money right now, I have all my money…



A Love Supreme

Dissertator of chaos, Prophet of Love Supreme, aggressively emitting Humility, Humanity, and Profanity