Chapel is a Forrest for the go
The beach to be where our hearts meet as sand meets ocean, ocean meets sky, and sky meets eternity
Forever we shall stay
Forever we may be gay (gey)
Take my name and I take your burdens
You sexy Carmel drizzle
Let’s make little clones
Play good good cop bad cop
The years will pass by
I won’t watch the clock
I trust that to the lord
Who masterminded the magical concoction of Sonic harmony song that is your voice
And the dense pressure that is your genius
Circumstances some good
Most bad
That lead to this.
This us thang
Its been
I will confront the incurable disease of aging along with you
Every grain of sand in this hour glass for you
All the way until your breasts sweep the floor
Until these pants are pulled level with my nipple.
But if your breasts go below the ground
I'm out, and not paying the alimony
Love you. (Conditionally)